After a Car Accident, Feeling Fine Doesn’t Mean You Are Fine

/ / Car Accidents, Kansas Auto Insurance
Rear impact collision car accident

Injuries After a Car Accident May Not be Immediately Noticed

Car accidents, including low-speed impacts, generate unnatural forces that are absorbed by the human body. Often, the stress placed on a passenger’s body when involved in a car accident may take hours, days or even weeks to manifest. In low-impact automobile collisions, many victims often sustain “soft tissue injuries”. Generally, these types of injuries result in pain, stiffness, reduced mobility or range of motion and soreness. However, these symptoms aren’t always immediate and injuries aren’t always noticed right away.

One of the most common types of soft-tissue injury is whiplash. Whiplash frequently occurs in rear-end collisions where the neck muscles sustain injury due to a person’s head coming to a sudden stop, being forcefully thrown forward and then whipping back. This sudden change in momentum causes the occupants of the vehicle to sustain injury, and often those injured parties won’t start feeling the effects until many hours later.

Following a Car Accident, Get Checked Out By a Doctor

After you’ve been involved in an auto accident, even if you don’t notice immediate pain, the first thing you should do is seek medical treatment.

You should see a doctor if you feel any level of pain or discomfort. In fact, it’s probably a good idea to get checked out even if you feel fine. Seeking medical treatment after a car accident is the best way to determine whether you sustained any serious injuries that you may not feel immediately. Additionally, your doctor may recommend that you refrain from certain activities and watch for symptoms of potential injuries over the course of a few days.

If you need to file an injury claim after the accident, the medical treatment you received will be powerful documentation that you were injured and obtained medical treatment within a reasonable amount of time after the accident.

Contact a Kansas Car Accident Injury Attorney

If you’ve been injured in a car accident and need help getting the compensation you deserve for your accruing medical bills, property damage and pain and suffering, contact DeVaughn James Injury Lawyers for a no obligation free case evaluation.