The Top 10 Dangerous Topeka Car Accident Hotspots!

/ / Car Accidents, Topeka
Rollover car accident Topeka, KS

According to KDOT, Topeka roads witnessed 750 injury-crashes and 8 fatal crashes in 2019. Yet, this was the safest year the city had seen since 2016. Things have taken a turn for the worse since then with crash figures almost doubling.

By October 2021, Topeka PD alone had reported handling 10 fatal crashes (Excluding the crashes handled by the Kansas Highway Patrol and Shawnee County SD). Of these wrecks, 4 involved motorcyclists and two involved pedestrians.

Driver related factors were among the top causes of car accidents in the city of Topeka, and such crashes can occur anywhere. But some roads and intersections were found to have an unusually high rate of crashes. Continue reading to know more about these Topeka car wreck hotspots.

The top 10 most dangerous roads and intersections of Topeka

  • S.W. 21st and Urish Rd.– With an average of at least 12 crashes per year, this is one of the most collision-prone roads in the city and is inevitably in the list of the top crash hotspots of Topeka every year.
  • S.E. 21st and Adams– A fairly new addition to the list of the most dangerous roads in the city, this intersection saw a sudden rise in the number of crashes it witnessed in 2017, accounting for 13 collisions.
  • S.W. 21st and Westport Dr.- In 2020, 10 crashes were reported at this intersection, which earned it the dubious distinction of being the second most dangerous road in Topeka.
  • S.W. 21st and Wanamaker Rd- Despite the work done on this intersection, it continues to be in the list of the most dangerous collision hotspots, with an average of 8 crashes reported each year.
  • S.W. 29th and Fairlawn Rd. – The second most dangerous intersection in the city in 2020, with 10 collisions recorded through the year, this road continued to live up to its macabre reputation even in 2021. A serious-injury collision was reported at the intersection in December, 2021.
  • S.W. 29th and Wanamaker Rd- This intersection has long been a hotbed of driver-factor wrecks and it re-emerged as a trouble spot in 2020, with 8 crashes.
  • S.W. 12th and Topeka Blvd and S.W. Huntoon and Topeka Blvd.-  Another problem-area that finds a place in the list of Topeka collisions hotspots every year, Topeka Blvd continues to be a danger zone for both motorist and pedestrians.
  • S.E. 6th and Golden Ave.- At 10 collisions recorded in 2020, this intersection crashed into the list rather suddenly. But, now it is an area to watch out for.
  • S.W. 17th and Gage Blvd. – For nearly a decade, this intersection has been one of the most dangerous in the city and this did not change in 2020, when 8 crashes were reported in the area.

But, what’s causing so many wrecks at these Topeka accident hotspots?

Mostly driver error! In fact, nearly a third of the wrecks in these areas, which lead to injuries, are hit and runs. Another 30% are caused by drivers running a red light. Alcohol is implicated in some collisions while inattentiveness also figures in the list of dangerous driver behavior that leads to crashes at these points.

If you are injured in an accident at one of these intersections, what next?

Yes, collecting evidence such as wreck-site photographs, witness information, details about the other motorist is important. But, if you are hurt, depending on how serious your injuries are, seeking prompt medical attention is the first thing you need to do. 

Even if you feel that you have escaped with minor bruises, it would still be in your best interest to seek medical attention. The thing to understand here is that the shock of being in a car crash can ebb the pain for up to an hour or more.

So, what may not seem as serious immediately after the collision may turn out to be something catastrophic in the hours to follow! If you own auto coverage, the mandatory PIP component of your car insurance will help to manage initial medical expenses.

And, what if the accident injuries are serious?

If you are seriously hurt in a Topeka car wreck or if you have lost a loved one in such a crash, contact DeVaughn James Injury Lawyers in Topeka, right away. Proving liability and seeking compensation for serious injuries and/or wrongful death is complicated.

This is certainly not a path on which you should tread alone as your opponent in this case will be an insurance company with deep pockets but a shallow sense of morality. They will fight hard to pay you as little as they can. That’s where our team of experienced attorneys comes into the picture. We will fight harder to get you the maximum compensation possible.