Kansas City is in the Top 10 most Fatal Cities for Car Accidents

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Ranked 7th in the list of cities with the highest rate of fatal car wrecks, Kansas City also found a spot for itself in the list of urban areas where you are most likely to get into a car accident.

In further bad news for Kansas Citians, while the number of traffic-related fatalities plunged all across the US, they showed no signs of abating in the City of Fountains. Continue reading to know more about why Kansas City is in the top 10 most fatal cities for car wrecks.

The top 5 reasons for fatal car crashes in Kansas City

According to the Missouri Coalition for Safe Roadways, approximately 1,000 fatal crashes were recorded across Missouri in 2023 and Kansas City contributed significantly to this figure. What’s more, the majority of these fatal collisions involved these 5 causes.

  1. Distracted driving: With nearly 8% of all fatal crashes attributed to drivers who are not completely focused on the road, distracted driving is one of the top causes of deaths on Kansas City roads. Unfortunately, other motorists and pedestrians often bear the brunt of the acts of distracted drivers.
  2. Speeding: In 2022, nearly 35% of all fatal crashes in Missouri involved speeding, which is understandable as a mere 5mph increase in speed increases the collision fatality rate by 8% (on interstates and highways). Reduced reaction time, greater impact force, and increased stopping distance all play a role in the correlation between speed and fatality rate.
  3. Impaired driving: Over 20% of all fatal crashes involve impaired drivers (alcohol, drugs, and other substances that impact physical and cognitive abilities). According to research, a BAC of 0.08% makes drivers twice as likely to speed as sober motorists. Couple this with slower reaction time and the inability to focus on surroundings when impaired and it is easy to understand the positive correlation between impaired driving and fatality rate.
  4. Reckless and aggressive driving: Studies suggest that drivers prone to aggressive and reckless driving and disobeying traffic laws are 37 times more likely to end up in a fatal crash. From running a red light to tailgating and from refusing to give right of way to unannounced lane changes, there is a price to be paid for them all, and usually, the other motorists and pedestrians on the road end up footing the bill for such indiscretions.
  5. Driver fatigue: A motorist who has gone without sleep for 18 hours has the same cognitive deficits and slowed reaction time as someone with a BAC of 0.08%. So, it comes as no surprise that nearly 5000 deaths on American roads are attributed to drowsy and fatigued drivers. That’s over 16% of all fatal crashes in the United States.

While you cannot be responsible for the behavior of all other motorists, keeping your focus firmly on the road and constantly being mindful of your surroundings can help you to prevent or at the least minimize the severity of a crash caused by the factors discussed above.

That said, it is particularly important to be vigilant when you are at an intersection because there is simply a lot going on. Even without any other factor involved the movement from all directions and the task of navigating your vehicle through it all can be quite overwhelming. Unfortunately, there are quite a few problematic intersections in Kansas City that have claimed the lives of hundreds over the last decade.

The top 5 most dangerous intersections of Kansas City

  • I-70/I-435 Interchange: Around 30 to 60 crashes have been reported which were a result of high traffic volume and the complex design of this intersection.
  • 71 Highway/Bannister Rd: Reported crash numbers vary between 27 and 29 and are attributed to high-speed traffic, close proximity of ramps, and limited sight lines.
  • 23rd St/I-435: Between 34 and 39 wrecks have been reported which were owed to high traffic volume, merging lanes, and speeding.
  • 170th St/Blue Ridge Cutoff: High-speed traffic, merging lanes, and limited sightlines were the reasons for the 31 to 57 crashes reported at this intersection.
  • Vivion Rd/Oak Trafficway: The complexity of the intersections with several turning lanes and high traffic volume were the factors responsible for the 27 to 30 crashes reported at this intersection.

All things said and done, no matter how cautious you are, sometimes you end up at the receiving end of the carelessness of other motorists. If you have been in a wreck that has left you seriously injured or if you have lost a loved one in such a crash, you are entitled to fair compensation.

Contact DeVaughn James Injury Lawyers in Kansas City right away and our team of experienced attorneys will work to recover the restitution you need to recover from the pain and injuries caused by someone else’s negligence.