3 reasons you need an experienced Kansas Truck Accident Lawyer

1. Calculating the actual value of your injuries and losses:
Unfortunately, most victims tend to claim compensation based on the immediate treatment and impact of the injuries. This means the first offer often seems good enough, even if not completely fair.
When our lawyers join your team, we analyze every aspect of the damages you have suffered. From the cost of treatment today to the ramifications of those injuries on your personal and professional life now and in the future.
Because DeVaughn James has decades of experience handling truck wreck injury claims, our lawyers know that the mental anguish continues to haunt victims long after the physical injuries have healed. So, the restitution cannot be called fair unless you are also compensated for the psychological trauma, the pain you have suffered and how all of this has and will affect the quality of your life and your ability to make a living in the future.
2. Establishing clear liability:
In a wreck if you are not completely at fault, it’s natural to assume that the other motorist (in this case the truck driver) bars some or all of the responsibility for the mishap). But that is not how things work when you are talking about Kansas trucking accidents.
For example, if the truck driver was drunk (which is seldom the case), of course he will be accountable for the crash. However, if a mechanical fault with the rig or faulty securing of the payload leads to the wreck or if it is a combination of all these factors, then who is really liable for your damages? The trucking company, the truck driver or some other third party?
A good attorney will not only find the answer to that question but will also back it up with irrefutable evidence. Moreover, an adept lawyer can also clarify the extent to which each party is responsible for the crash. This means no “at-fault” party gets away without paying for your losses.
3. Handling the insurance companies and their adjustors:
The process of understanding liability and calculating the precise cost of your injuries is more than just complicated. It is also time sensitive. In truck wrecks, a lot of the vital evidence is actually held by the at-fault party. So, it’s important to stop them from destroying it. And a lawyer knows that’s the first thing he/she needs to do before all else.
Once you get an attorney on board, all communication with the insurance company will be handled by your counsel. This means you will no longer have to field those unnerving calls from pesky insurance adjusters.
In a nutshell – You decide how things go for you after a truck accident!
The problem with taking on the trucking company and its insurer all alone is that you will be at a disadvantage even before the negotiations start.
Think of it this way, their lawyers chew up less experienced attorneys, so what chance do you think a person with no legal knowledge stands?
However, the minute you get an experienced lawyer on board, a loud and clear message goes out to the other side- You will do what it takes to get the compensation you deserve!
Our lawyers have decades of experience in handling truck accident compensation cases. Contact DeVaughn James today for a free case evaluation.