Tractor trailer on Topeka Kansas highway
Nearly 4500 commercial trucks travel through downtown Topeka every day. Another 9,000 heavy trucks take the I-70, east and west of Topeka while over 3000 tractor-trailers travel down I-355 and US-35. That’s almost 17,000 commercial trucks across and around Topeka each day. With that kind of traffic, it is not surprising that trucks are involved
Semi-truck and car collision on Kansas roadway
A trucking accident can be a devastating and life-altering experience. The damages and injuries sustained in such accidents can cause significant emotional and financial distress. If you have been involved in a trucking accident in Topeka, Kansas, it is important to be aware of your rights as a motorist. DeVaughn James Injury Lawyers can help
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Young people drinking at a club on New Year's Eve.
Every New Year’s Eve, thousands of Kansas residents drive drunk back from parties, bars, and restaurants. It shouldn’t happen, but thanks to the spirit of the night and the pressure to drink, it does. Unfortunately, DUIs are no laughing matter. Even if it’s your first offense, the state still mandates jail time, so it’s best