Missouri MedPay: Your Auto Insurance Sidekick

/ / Car Accidents, Kansas Auto Insurance, Missouri Auto Insurance
MedPay is a type of car insurance coverage in Missouri and Kansas.

So, you’re cruising down the roads of Kansas or Missouri, and someone throws the term “MedPay” at you in the context of auto insurance. No, that isn’t some secret code; just a type of coverage that has your back when things go awry.

What exactly is MedPay?

MedPay, short for Medical Payments coverage, is like the superhero of your auto insurance policy. While your regular insurance takes care of your car and the other person’s car in case of a crash, MedPay swoops in to handle medical expenses—yours and your passengers’.

The High Stakes of Medical Bills

Picture this: you’re in a car collision, and the medical bills start piling up. It goes without saying that the severity of the injuries will ultimately determine the type and cost of medical treatment required and the duration of medical care.

In the United States, the average price for an emergency room visit following a car collision is above $3,000 while the average inpatient hospitalization cost can soar to almost $60,000

So, it would not be off the mark to say that medical bills for collision-related injuries can be a hefty burden. This is where MedPay shines, offering a financial safety net specifically for those unpredictable medical costs.

Is MedPay a Requirement?

In both Kansas and Missouri, MedPay isn’t a mandatory player in the insurance game. However, in Kansas, your car insurance comes bundled with PIP coverage. Think of this as a more comprehensive version of MedPay.

But PIP is not available for motorcyclists. Now, just because MedPay isn’t mandatory doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea to have it on your team.

Benefits of MedPay

  1. MedPay covers those substantial medical bills for injuries sustained in a car collision, regardless of who’s at fault. That means if you’re the one who gets a little banged up, MedPay steps up to cover your medical expenses.
  2. You can use MedPay even if you have health insurance. It kicks in right away, no questions asked, and it doesn’t have deductibles or copays like health insurance might.
  3. It covers a comprehensive list of medical expenses, including ambulance rides, surgery, X-rays, and even funeral expenses if, heaven forbid, the worst happens.
  4. MedPay coverage can be used to complement liability coverage and supplement health insurance coverage after a car collision.
  5. It can assist with high co-pays or deductibles that need to be paid before health insurance starts covering medical bills.
  6. MedPay may cover bicycle riders, pedestrians struck by a car, and passengers in your car. Some policies may even cover you when you are in someone else’s car.

Medpay to the Rescue!

Using your MedPay coverage is a breeze. If you’re injured in a collision, you simply submit your medical bills to your insurance company. They’ll review them and cut you a check for the covered expenses. It’s a straightforward process that can save you from the financial headaches that often come with medical emergencies.

The Limitations of MedPay

Of course, like any superhero, MedPay has its limitations. It won’t cover property damage or injuries sustained outside of a car collision. It’s strictly for those moments when your vehicle turns into a bit of a metal-and-glass pinball.

In a nutshell, MedPay is like having a safety cushion for those potentially overwhelming medical bills in the event of a car collision. But if your injuries are very serious, you may need more to cover your medical costs than what MedPay offers. And that’s when compensation through a personal injury claim becomes the only way out.

Contact DeVaughn James Injury Lawyers in Kansas City right away to understand how you can seek fair compensation for your losses.