Kansas Car Insurance: What is personal injury protection and what happens if I am in a collision with another motorist who has no auto insurance?
With an estimated 10% motorists driving uninsured vehicles on Kansas roads, there is a 1 in 10 chance that if you are in a mishap, the driver of the other car may not have auto insurance. In such a scenario, will your auto insurance policy cover your personal injuries?
Personal injury Protection (PIP):
The name says it all! Also known as “no fault” or PIP protection, this benefit comes from your own auto insurance carrier. This benefit is available to you from your own automobile insurance carrier regardless of weather you or another driver is at fault for a collision.
The benefits available under PIP vary by each policy. In Kansas, the minimum required insurance will pay $4,500.00 in medical expenses and potentially rehabilitation bills, lost wages, cost of in-house assistance and even funeral expenses, if applicable.
Uninsured protection:
In Kansas, your own auto insurance policy provides available insurance for you to make a claim for personal injuries you sustain when you are involved in a collision that was not your fault and the at fault driver did not have an active auto insurance policy at the time of the collision.
Under this scenario, you are allowed to make a claim against your own auto insurance carrier for compensation for your injuries. This is called a uninsured motorist claim also known as a UM claim.